收稿日期: 2012-12-06
修回日期: 2013-02-20
网络出版日期: 2013-02-20
Effects of Irrigation Method and Quota on the Growth and Yield of Pepper in Wuwei of Gansu, China
Received date: 2012-12-06
Revised date: 2013-02-20
Online published: 2013-02-20
以色素辣椒“美国红”为试验材料,研究了干旱气候条件下两种灌溉方式(畦灌和膜下滴灌)和6种灌水定额(30.0、37.5、45.0、52.5、60.0、67.5 mm)对辣椒生长的影响。结果表明:采用畦灌方式时,45.0 mm灌水定额下的辣椒株高、茎粗、地上部干重、产量等指标综合表现较好,最终产量达到12 655.890 kg·hm-2,比52.5、60.0、67.5 mm灌水定额下的产量分别高11.7%、14.2%、27.1%;采用膜下滴灌方式时,45.0 mm灌水定额下的辣椒长势最好,最终产量高达14 843.295 kg·hm-2,比52.5、60.0、67.5 mm灌水定额下的产量分别高10.0%、12.3%、15.4%。相同灌水定额(45.0 mm)下两种灌溉方式比较结果显示,膜下滴灌方式下的辣椒株高、茎粗和产量分别比畦灌方式下高出11.39%、3.79%和17.28%。这说明在干旱气候条件下,色素辣椒全生育期采用“膜下滴灌,45.0 mm灌水定额,灌水五次”的灌溉组合方式较为适宜。
刘 佳1 , 张玲丽2 , 颉建明3 , 徐秉良1 , 郁继华3 . 干旱气候条件下灌溉方式与灌水定额对辣椒生长的影响[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(2) : 373 -381 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00052
Effects of irrigation method (strip irrigation and mulched drip irrigation) and quota (30.0, 37.5, 45.0, 52.5, 60.0, 67.5 mm) on the growth and yield of pigment pepper named as American Red were investigated in Wuwei of Gansu, China. The results showed that under strip irrigation with a quota of 45.0 mm, the plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry weight and yield of the pepper were the highest, the ultimate yield reached 12 655.890 kg·hm-2 and was above by 11.7%、14.2% and 27.1% than that under 52.5, 60.0, 67.5 mm,respectively; Under mulched drip irrigation with a quota of 45.0 mm, the growth vigor of the pepper was the best, the final fruit yield reached 14 843.295 kg·hm-2 which was more than that under 52.5, 60.0, 67.5 mm by 10.0%、12.3% and 15.4%, respectively. Comparison between the two irrigation methods under the same irrigation quota (45.0 mm) indicated that the plant height, stem diameter and the yield of pepper under mulched drip irrigation method were 11.39%, 3.79%, 17.28% higher than that of strip irrigation, respectively. The comprehensive conclusion was that the suitable irrigation method and quota for pigment pepper under arid climatic conditions was mulched drip irrigation of 45.0 mm and the irrigation times were five during the whole growth period.
Key words: arid climate; irrigation method; irrigation quota; pepper; growth
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