收稿日期: 2012-09-25
修回日期: 2012-10-19
网络出版日期: 2012-10-19
Response of Environmentally Sensitive Grain Size Components of Old Red Sand in QF Section from Haitan Island of Fujiau Provinceto East Asian Winter Monsoon Evolvement
Received date: 2012-09-25
Revised date: 2012-10-19
Online published: 2012-10-19
本文在福建东部海坛岛青峰老红砂剖面年代学框架基础上,通过2.5 cm等间距高密度采样进行粒度分析,采用粒级-标准偏差方法提取敏感粒度组分,并证明敏感粒度组分平均粒径可作为东亚季风的强弱变化的替代指标,据此建立了约44.0 ka以来青峰剖面老红砂记录的冬季风演变序列。结果显示,约44.0 ka以来东亚冬季风经历了3个演变阶段:①44.0~25.5 ka BP东亚冬季风较弱, 呈现在波动中逐步增强趋势;②25.5~15.5 ka BP为东亚冬季风最强盛期,并呈现高频波动特点,东亚冬季风在21.8 ka BP前后达到鼎盛期;③15.5~7.1ka BP为冬季风减弱期,但在11~10 ka BP前后,冬季风突然显著增强。相邻剖面平均粒径记录的冬季风演变阶段也具有较好的重复性。对比发现,青峰剖面老红砂敏感粒度组分的气候记录与长江下游葫芦洞石笋δ18O和格陵兰GISP2冰芯δ18O记录之间有较好的吻合,尤其对新仙女木事件和4次H事件三者都有记录,但青峰剖面对D-O旋回记录信号不明显。
关键词: 老红砂; 敏感粒度组分; 东亚冬季风; Heinrich事件
胡凡根1 , 2 , 3 , 李志忠1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 靳建辉1 , 2 , 4 , 赵 倩1 , 2 , 张 辉1 , 2 , 王贤立1 , 2 , 夏 菁1 , 2 . 福建东部海坛岛老红砂敏感粒度组分对东亚冬季风演变的响应[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(2) : 443 -452 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00061
The "Old Red Sand" is widely distributed on the coasts of Fujian Province. Many studies have been made on the origin, age and laterization of the "Old Red Sand". In this paper, we focused on reconstructing the history of the Asian winter monsoon change. On the basis of granulometric analysis of samples with high-resolution, we got environmentally sensitive grain size component in Qingfeng profile by using grain size standard deviation parameter, which was proved that the selected sensitive grain size component were important proxy. The mean grain size of these environmentally sensitive components could be used to reconstruct the East Asian winter monsoon intensity. We reconstructed the history of the East Asian winter monsoon change since 44.0 ka with three main phases. (1) In 44.0-25.5 ka BP, the East Asian winter monsoon was relatively weak and increased gradually during fluctuating; (2) In 25.5-15.5 ka BP, the East Asian winter monsoon was the strongest with high-frequency fluctuation; (3) In 15.5-7.1ka BP, the East Asian winter monsoon was weak but remarkably enhanced during 11-10 ka BP. The East Asian winter monsoon recorded by mean grain size of the two neighboring sections had a good repeatability, so oscillation at the millennial scale should be a reliable signs of the East Asian winter monsoon intensity. There was a good consistency in climate change recorded by sensitive grain size components in the QF section and the stalagmites δ18O of Hulu Cave and Greenland GISP2 ice core, especially the Younger Dryas events and four Heinrich events were recorded bu the three proxies, but the signal of D-O cycles was relatively weak.
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