The Response of Tree-ring Growth of Picea purpurea and Picea crassifolia in South Gansu Province to Climate Change
Received date: 2012-05-31
Revised date: 2012-07-13
Online published: 2012-07-13
利用采自甘肃省南部莲花山的青海云杉(Picea crassifolia Kom.)和紫果云杉(Picea purpurea Mast.)两组不同树种的树轮样芯共计113个样本,通过对两组树木年轮宽度标准年表的统计特征的分析得出: 两组树轮宽度年表的平均敏感度和标准差的变化基本相同,但是紫果云杉信噪比的值要高于青海云杉,说明不同树种包含的气候信息强度不同。两组树轮宽度指数与临洮气象站多年逐月降水量、平均气温和极端最高气温的相关性分析表明,两组树轮宽度指数对气象要素的响应并不完全一致,紫果云杉树轮宽度指数与逐月极端最高温度的相关系数值大于青海云杉,说明这一气候信号在紫果云杉上体现得更加显著。因此,在使用树木年轮进行古气候重建时,应当考虑树种对树轮宽度与气候要素之间相关关系的影响。两组树轮宽度指数与气候要素以及帕尔默干旱指数(The Palmer Drought Severity Index,PDSI)的季节组合和年均相关性都不显著,所以两组树轮年表不足以用于气候重建。通过与邻近区域的4条树轮年表对比,发现本文两条树轮年表的低值时段与邻近年表记录的20世纪20年代的干旱事件发生的年代一致。
康淑媛 , 杨 保 . 甘肃省南部两种云杉树种树木径向生长对气候因子的响应[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(2) : 619 -625 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00085
The Lianhuashan Mountain, located in south Gansu Province of Northwest China, is sensitive to climate change. In this study, two tree-ring chronologies were established of Picea crassifolia Kom.) and P. purpurea spanning the period of 1923-2010 and 1806-2010, respectively. Here we designed a test to examine whether or not the climate factors response to tree-ring width of the two tree species varies. Using chronological statistics and correlation analysis, we tested the consistency of climate-growth response in tree-ring width series in the two tree species. Results showed that there was not significant difference between the two tree species for mean sensitivity and standard deviation, but the signal-to-noise ratio value of P. pururea was much higher than that of P. cressifolia. Analyses indicated that relationships between climate change and tree-ring growth of the two species were partially controlled by species. The climatic data included monthly mean air temperature, monthly precipitation and monthly extreme high air temperature. Monthly extreme high air temperature presented more significant results than monthly mean air temperature and monthly precipitation. Correlations between monthly extreme high air temperature and annual tree-ring width were lower for P. cressifolia than for P. pururea. Therefore, using trees to develop a tree-ring chronology for reconstructing a climate series may be less robust if the species effect is not accounted for. The two tree-ring chronologies in our study region were compared with four tree-ring chronologies of neighboring regions, and the results indicated that they had the common low values in 1920s.
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