Analysis on Soil Inorganic Carbon of Different Soil Types in the Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve in Xinjiang
Received date: 2012-06-08
Revised date: 2012-08-10
Online published: 2012-08-10
土壤无机碳(SIC)是干旱区土壤碳库的重要组成部分,分析其特征和储量是开展干旱区荒漠生态系统碳循环研究的必要基础。基于新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区土壤剖面的实测数据,分析了不同土壤类型SIC分布特征及其差异性,估算了研究区SIC储量,并探讨SIC含量与分布、储量特点以及与土壤有机碳(SOC)和理化因子间关系。结果表明:各类型平均SIC含量为53.06~79.90 g·kg–1;类型间SIC含量有显著差异(p<0.05),50 cm以上各层SIC含量顺序为灰棕漠土>盐碱土>水成土>荒漠风沙土,50 cm以下则盐碱土和水成土逐渐占优势。SIC含量的垂直分布总体表现为低—高—低的特征(10 cm单位土壤深度),除灰棕漠土外,SIC含量在剖面上的变化较均匀。研究区无机碳密度平均为9.37 kg·m-2,SIC库储量为234.50 Tg。SIC含量与SOC及含水量呈显著的正相关,并随土壤深度增加有增加趋势;与土壤容重和表层pH值负相关,相关性较弱。
张雪妮 , 吕光辉 , 贡 璐 , 秦 璐 , 李尝君 , 孙景鑫 , 任曼丽 . 新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区不同土壤类型无机碳分布特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(4) : 1084 -1090 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00153
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is a significant component of arid region carbon stock. Distribution characteristics of SIC and magnitude of SIC stock are crucial premise for comprehending soil carbon cycle in desert ecosystem of arid regions. Based on the field investigations and laboratory analyses, we researched the SIC distributions and dissimilarities of different soil types, estimated SIC storage of research area and examined correlation of SIC with SOC and soil physico-chemical factors, discussions and comparative analyses were also made on aforementioned contents. The results showed that: Aaverage SIC content on the whole profile of four soil types range from 53.06 g·kg-1 to 79.90 g·kg-1; There were significant differences among various types (p<0.05). The order of SIC content on layers above 50 cm depth was grey-brown desert soil>saline and alkaline soil>hydromorphic soil>Aeolian sandy soil, but SIC content of saline and alkaline soil and hydromorphic soil increased gradually and exceeded grey-brown desert soil on layers below 50 cm depth. On vertical distribution, SIC content generally display a trend that first increasing and then decreasing as the soil depth increases (at 10 cm depth level). Profile distribution of SIC was relatively homogeneous except for that of grey-brown desert soil. Total SIC storage in study area was estimated to be 234.50 Tg to the depth investigated to 120 cm, and average SIC density was calculated to be 9.37 kg·m-2. SIC had positive correlation with soil organic carbon and water content, and which inclined to increase with soil depth slightly, as for soil bulk density and pH of surface layer, the correlation was negative and weak relatively.
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