收稿日期: 2012-04-13
修回日期: 2012-07-16
网络出版日期: 2012-07-16
Correlation of Burial Depth of Groundwater and Soil Water Content in the Keriya Oasis, Xinjiang, China
Received date: 2012-04-13
Revised date: 2012-07-16
Online published: 2012-07-16
借助MATLAB7.0对新疆克里雅绿洲225个土壤样品的土壤含水量和28组地下水埋深数据进行处理,用线性回归法和多重回归法对土壤含水量与地下水埋深的关系进行分析。结果表明:0~5 cm、15~20 cm、45~50 cm和0~50 cm的土壤含水量与地下水埋深的相关系数分别为-0.8017、-0.8580、-0.8551和-0.8574;土壤含水量与地下水埋深之间存在显著的负相关关系,自上而下其关系逐渐增强,其中以15~20 cm土壤含水量与地下水埋深的相关性最强;由多重回归分析确定经验方程,其判定系数达到0.6631,说明地下水埋深是影响土壤含水量的重要因素,同时土壤含水量的多少可作为评估地下水开采利用与调控的依据。
魏 彬1 , 2 , 海米提·依米提1 , 3 , 王庆峰1 , 2 , 许 宁1 , 2 , 李建涛1 , 2 . 克里雅绿洲地下水埋深与土壤含水量的相关性[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(4) : 1110 -1116 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00157
Field experiment was conducted to investigate the correlation of groundwater depth to soil water content in the Keriya Oasis. Linear regression analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze and process the data of 225 soil water content samples and 28 groups of groundwater depth. The results showed that, the correlation coefficient of soil water content and groundwater depth in 0-5 cm depth of soil,15-20 cm,45-50 cm and 0-50 cm were -0.8017, -0.8580, -0.8551 and -0.8574, respectively; This negative correlation became stronger gradually for soil at lower layer than upper layer, reaching the strongest correlation in depth of 15-20 cm; The empirical equation was confirmed by multiple regression analysis, with a R-Square of 0.6631.
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