收稿日期: 2012-08-11
修回日期: 2012-09-04
网络出版日期: 2012-09-04
Influence of River Flooding on the Distribution Pattern of Populus euphratica in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
Received date: 2012-08-11
Revised date: 2012-09-04
Online published: 2012-09-04
选择塔里木河下游典型的漫溢区(昆阿斯特、魔鬼坝、阿拉干和依干不及麻),采用点格局分析方法对漫溢干扰方式下不同空间和时间尺度出现的幼苗库在空间分布格局上的变化及分布规律进行了研究。将Clark-Evans(CE)指数作为度量胡杨(Populus euphratica)幼苗分布格局的指标,并用标准正态分布检验实际CE指数值偏离1的显著性。结果表明:(1)塔里木河下游不同断面的漫溢区胡杨密度有显著的差异,种群分布格局必然受生境条件影响。在同一尺度下,魔鬼坝和阿拉干的胡杨幼树呈随机分布,昆阿斯特和依干不及麻的胡杨幼树呈聚集分布。(2)随距离尺度的改变,各断面胡杨种群的CE指数与样方尺度相关,曲线均出现不同程度的波动,昆阿斯特和阿拉干断面随着尺度的变化,胡杨幼树的分布格局没有发生明显的变化,魔鬼坝和依干不及麻断面随着尺度的变化,胡杨幼树的分布格局由随机分布转变为聚集分布,意味着种群分布格局存在尺度依赖性。(3)随着胡杨幼苗年龄的增长,塔里木河下游漫溢区胡杨的密度存在不断降低的趋势,分布格局多呈现随机分布和聚集分布。塔里木河下游胡杨幼树主要分布在生态输水的河道附近和河水漫溢区,研究尺度为20 m×20 m可以保证试验的合理性和科学性,研究树木幼苗建立对荒漠河岸生态系统的保育和恢复的重要意义。
关键词: 点格局分析; 胡杨(Populus euphratica); 河水漫溢; 塔里木河
白 元1 , 2 , 徐海量1 , 赵新风1 , 傅荩仪1 , 2 , 王希义1 , 2 , 杜清1 , 2 . 河水漫溢对胡杨(Populus euphratica)分布格局的影响[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(5) : 1356 -1362 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00199
In order to analyze the distribution pattern of seedlings of Populus euphratica after river overflowing, we calculated Clark-Evans index for four typical flooded sites (Kunasite, Alagan, Moguiba and Yiganbujima) to measure the distribution pattern by using the point pattern analysis method and test the deviation of actual Clark Evans index from 1 by using the standard normal distribution. The results indicated that: (1) After the river overflow, the density of P. euphratica had significant change. In the quatrats of 20 m×20 m, the spatial distribution patterns of P. euphratica varied after experiencing river overflowing in different sections. (2) With the increasing of quadrates area, the Clark-Evans indices had different degrees of fluctuation, in the Kunasite and Alagan sections, the P. euphratica seedlings appeared to have an random distribution that had no significant change with the scale changes, but in the Moguiba and Yiganbujima sections, the special distribution pattern of seedlings of P. euphratica changed from random distribution to aggregated distribution with the scale changes, which show that the population distribution pattern depended on the scaling. (3) With the growth of P. euphraticas age, the density of P. euphratica had decrease trend, the special distribution pattern of seedlings of P. euphratica changed between aggregated distribution and random distribution. The P. euphratica seedlings are mainly distributed in the river flood plain or river overflowing area, the vegetation quadrates of 20 m×20 m can ensure the rational and scientific trials. The study of the spatial distribution patterns of P. euphratica seedling after river overflowing is imperative for the understanding of the process of succession and the acceleration of conservation and restoration of the desert riparian ecosystem.
Key words: point pattern analysis; Populus euphratica; river flooding; Tarim River
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