By surveying in large areas, sampling and laboratory testing in recent years, the characteristics and distribution of brackish water in the arid and semi-arid interior of China were investigated thoroughly. The results of water chemical analysis showed that 51.0% and 41.5% of surface and groundwater samples respectively exceede the threshold of Brackish water, and 55% and 59% exceed the threshold of high-fluorid water, with the primary and secondary ions of Cl--Na+, HCO3--Na+ and SO42--Mg2+, SO42--Ca2+ respectively, implying that the brackish and high-fluorid water were distributed widely in the studied area. Spatially, the brackish water and high-fluorid water were distributed in the lower reaches of inland river of the Hexi Corridor, lower land of deserts and intervals of western Inner Mongolia, western Loess Plateau, and Ordos Plateau. It was characterized by enrichment distribution of fluorid and some primary ions such as Na+, Cl-, and some secondary ions such as SO42-, Mg2+. There are several factors which conduces brackish water and high-fluorid water wide distribution in the studied area, such as higher salty content in aquifers, the hydrogeological construction, climatic condition and special geochemistry surroundings. Nevertheless, seasonal rainfall and runoff, irrigating water may influence on the variability of the content of total dissolved solids, sulphate and fluorid and the spatial distribution of brackish water and high-fluorid water in arid and semi-arid interior of China.
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