The connotation of desert tourism and desert tourism resources in China is analyzed. Based on the spatial structure of desert tourism resources, the occurrence conditions of desert tourism resources in China is analyzed. Through the statistics of main scenic spots (points), based on GPS and ArcGIS, the spatial database of desert tourism resources is established, and the spatial visualization expression of desert tourism resources is achieved. Based on the spatial structure of desert tourism resources and the subject functional partition of tourism landscape, the subject functional areas of the desert tourism resources and the evaluation are carried out. North China region have wide desert tourism resources, rich in type, mainly distributed in the edge of the desert (sandy land) and a few in hinterland, the characteristics of concentrated distribution in individual regions; Desert scenic spots (points) have the characteristics to the main traffic line for the shaft, a beaded cluster distribution; Desert tourism resources subject functional partition is divided into one large desert tourism zone, three desert tourism areas, seven desert tourism circles. Finally, the development countermeasures of desert tourism in China are put forword and discussed.
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