在对枣树进行根灌与漫灌后,采用TDR对土壤水分变化过程进行监测;对土壤水分增加与消退特性进行了分析,掌握了枣树生长期土壤水分分布状态及其变化特征。结果表明:根灌后10 h内,为土壤水分急聚增加期;在土壤水分消退期,日平均递减速率为0.69%;枣树生长的适宜土壤水分应保持在37%~45%(体积含水量,占土壤饱和含水量的75%左右);灌溉的最低土壤水分标准不应低于33.6%(约占饱和含水量的68%);灌溉周期平均应为22 d。
Based on the contrast experiments of root irrigation and flooding irrigation of Ziziphus jujuba, we monitor the soil water variation processes with TDR instrument. The soil water conditions were analyzed, the growing period, soil water distribution state and variation characteristics were known. The results show that the first 10 h after the irrigation was a sharp increase period of soil water; during the soil water depletion period the mean decrease rate was 0.69%; the suitable soil water content for the growth of Z. jujuba should be maintained more than 75% of soil saturation water content, ranging from 37%-45%; the minimum soil irrigation water requirement should not be lower than 68% of the saturated water content, namely not lower than 33.6%. According to the analysis of soil water depletion rate during the growing season of Z. jujuba, the irrigation interval of Z. jujuba averaged 22 d. This study provides the experimental data and theoretic basis for better popularize and use the water-saving root irrigation technique and to conduct rational irrigation of Z. jujuba trees.
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