Based on daily precipitation data from 566 weather stations during 1960-2011, the multi-timescale variations of drought in China were analyzed by using Standardized Precipitation Index. The results showed that there existed a northeast to southwest drought belt in China in recent 52 years. The climate in Northeast China, North China, eastern Inner Mongolia, east of Northwest China and Southwest China was becoming dry. Meanwhile it became significantly wetter in Northern Xinjiang, central Qinghai and central North Tibet. The drought trend in North China mainly happened in summer, and drought in Northeast China and Southwest China occurred in summer and autumn, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the east part of Northwest it was mainly in spring and autumn. In Northeast China, the drought days in 1970s and 2000-2011 were more than other decades, and it were fewest in 1960s. In North China and the east of Northwest China, the driest decade was 1990s, and it was wetter from 1960s to 1980s. Southwest China experienced more droughts after 2000, and fewer in 1960s and 1970s. In the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, drought days were more in 1960s and after 2000, and fewer in 1980s. In 1960s, the high occurrence frequency of drought was in the west and middle of Northwest China and the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. In 1970s, the drought frequently occurred in Northeast China and the west of Northwest China. In 1980s, drought events mainly took place in North China, Huanghuai Plain, the west and middle part of Inner Mongolia and east of Southwest China. In 1990s, the areas with high occurrence were transferred to the southeast of Northwest China, North China, and Huanghuai Plain, Jianghuai Plain, and Jianghan Plain. After 2000, drought frequently occurred in Northeast China, the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and east part of Inner Mongolia, Northwest China and Southwest China.
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