

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • 双月刊 创刊于1981年


  • 杜川利 ,
  • 李星敏 ,
  • 陈闯 ,
  • 王繁强 ,
  • 彭艳 ,
  • 董妍 ,
  • 董自鹏
  • 陕西省气象科学研究所, 陕西 西安 710015

收稿日期: 2013-05-03

  修回日期: 2013-06-09

  网络出版日期: 2014-05-20


国家自然科学基金项目(41375155);中国气象局气候变化专项项目(CCSF201327); 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2013CB955800)资助

Concentration Variation and Absorption Characteristics of Black Carbon during Autumn and Winter in Yulin near Mu Us Sandy Land

  • Du Chuanli ,
  • Li Xingmin ,
  • Chen Chuang ,
  • Wang Fanqiang ,
  • Peng Yan ,
  • Dong Yan ,
  • Dong Zipeng
  • Meteorological Institute of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710014, China

Received date: 2013-05-03

  Revised date: 2013-06-09

  Online published: 2014-05-20


利用2011年秋冬季榆林大气成分站黑碳浓度、颗粒物质量浓度、大气能见度、地面气象资料,计算边界层高度、气溶胶吸收系数、大气消光系数,导出单次散射反照率,并对其进行分析讨论。结果表明:(1) 榆林秋冬季平均黑碳浓度为2.6 μg·m-3。(2)黑碳占颗粒物质量浓度PM1.0比值为10.6%,黑碳与颗粒物质量浓度PM1.0、PM2.5、PM10相关系数分别为0.91、0.91、0.72。(3)黑碳浓度受边界层高度影响,沙漠风场对黑碳的堆积输送起主导作用。(4) 榆林地区气溶胶吸收系数与大气消光系数比值为16.8%。(5)单次散射反照率平均值为0.72。


杜川利 , 李星敏 , 陈闯 , 王繁强 , 彭艳 , 董妍 , 董自鹏 . 陕西省榆林市秋冬季黑碳观测研究[J]. 中国沙漠, 2014 , 34(3) : 869 -877 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00387


To understand the impact of black carbon aerosol on local pollution, black carbon aerosol is studied at Yulin. The data of black carbon concentration, particle mass concentration, visibility, and meteorological data measured during autumn and winter of 2011-2012 at Yulin were used to calculate the planetary boundary layer top height, aerosol absorption coefficient, and atmospheric extinction coefficient, then the single scattered albedo was derived from the calculation results. Concentration variation and absorption characteristics of Black Carbon were observed. The results showed that: (1)The mean value of black carbon concentration is 2.6 μg·m-3 within a range between 0.07 μg·m-3 and 10.6 μg·m-3. (2) The percentage of black carbon concentration in PM1.0 is 10.6 %, and the correlation coefficients between black carbon and particle mass concentrations of PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10 are 0.91, 0.91, and 0.72, respectively. (3) Black Carbon concentration is affected by planetary boundary layer top height, and its accumulation and transportation are affected by the desert wind field. (4) The percentage of aerosol absorption coefficient in the atmospheric extinction coefficient is 16.8% within a range between 2.3% and 67.8%. (5)The mean single scattering albedo is 0.72, ranging from 0.51 to 0.86.


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