Gobi (deseret pavement) occupies an area about 660800 km2 which is more than the total areas of mobile and semi-fixed sandy lands in China. However, the research of the sedimentary characteristics of gobi is not comparable to its extensive distribution. In this paper, we analyzed the morphometric features (such as the gravel coverage, grain size, roundness and aspect ratio, etc.) which were derived from the digital images of in-situ, undisturbed gobi surfaces by means of particle tracking with ImageJ software. In the northwestern China, the gravel coverage of different gobi surfaces ranges between 31.5%-84.6% and most of the surfaces are moderately covered by gravels. Aerodynamically, 70% of the gobi surface is stable and non-eroded by wind. According to the mean grain size, the gobi surfaces are mainly composed of fine to medium gravels. The roundness and aspect ratio of gravels vary with gobi types, the mean values of the two parameters change from 0.50 to 0.76 and from 1.38 to 2.46, respectively. The gravel morphometric features of different gobi surfaces are closely related to their erosional/depositional processes. The gobi surfaces which composed of denuded or weathered fragments and diluvial deposits are characterized by larger grains and aspect ratio, bad rounded and high gravel coverage. Otherwise, the fluvial-proluvial gobi surfaces have smaller grain size and aspect ratio, better rounded and low gravel coverage. The morphometic characteristics of gravels derived from these digital images could provide some useful significance to determining the source region of gobi deposits and to interpreting the transport/deposition processes.
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