Natural vegetation in desert-oasis ecotone have well effects in preventing and intercepting wind blown sand and have important ecological prevention function for farmland in oasis. On the basis of field observation of wind erosion and wind deposition changes over 1 quadrat of mobile sand land, 1 quadrat of semi-fixed sand land and 4 quadrats of fixed sand land in desert-oasis ecotone in Cele, Xinjiang, China, characteristics of wind erosion and wind deposition changes and its cause over mobile sand land, semi-fixed sand land and fixed sand land were discussed with wind velocity data. Intense wind erosion occurs over surface of mobile sand land; Intense wind deposition occurs over surface of semi-fixed sand land; and the wind deposition volume will be more and wind erosion volume will be fewer in unit area when vegetation coverage and plant height are higher and arrangements pattern of plants are more well-distributed with lower landform as a whole over fixed sand land. Wind erosion mainly occurred on the surfaces of bare low sandy land in upwind and leeward areas and two flanks around nebkhas. The maximum amount of wind erosion always occurs at flank part around high nebkhas. It conforms to polynomial or exponential decreasing function relationship between wind erosion amount and vegetation coverage, and it doesn't follow any function relationship between wind deposition amount and vegetation coverage. Besides for vegetation coverage, kinds, height and arrangement pattern of plants and topography all influence wind deposition amount.
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