Through investigation in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River, a Holocene loess-palaeosol profile was identified in Yunxian county of Hubei province. Comparing with the curves of particle-size distribution, magnetic susceptibility, hygroscopic water and loss on ignition, the results showed that the content of clay, magnetic susceptibility, hygroscopic water and loss on ignition varied regularly in the Holocene loess-palaeosol profile, the content of these oxides reached the highest in S0, and the lowest in the loess, including L0, Lt and L1. However, coarse silt and sand reached the lowest in S0, and the highest in the loess. The change of the indexes showed the climatic and pedogenic environmental changed since the Holocene. The study results indicated that the climate was warm and the pedogenesis was stronger in the period of the palaeosol formation. In the stage of the loess accumulation, the climate was cold and arid, so the weathering pedogenesis was very weak.
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