The spatial distribution of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity is the core factors of the watershed hydrological and solute transport modeling. A total of 108 soil profile data were taken from the mainstream of Tarim river basin, saturated soil hydraulic conductivities of different depth were estimated by 4 pedotransfer functions. The spatial variation characteristics were evaluated by using classic statistical methods. The scaling-up methods were used to predict the spatial distribution of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in the Tarim River Basin. Results showed that among the four PTFs, CAMPBELL function was the most suitable pedotransfer function for our study area. The spatial distribution characteristics of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity of different depth had the comparability, and the deep layer's soil saturated hydraulic conductivity was larger than the shallow's. The scaling-up methods of saturated soil hydraulic conductivities could provide basic soil hydrological parameters for arid inland area.
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