In order to evaluate the role of comprehensive measures for soil and water conservation, we used the Pressure-State-Response model and chose 12 indices to analyze the ecological security pattern from1986 to 2011 through the comprehensive index method in the Hexi Area of Gansu, China. The results showed that: (1) The ecological security index in the target area has increased from 0.4046 (risk state) to 0.5211 (sensitive state), indicating an improvement from 1986 to 2011; (2) Environmental pressure index decreased year by year, suggesting that the environmental resource pressure increase continuously. The ecological environment status and response index have increased significantly since 2001 based on the comprehensive measures of soil and water conservation, suggesting that the construction of soil and water conservation measures has positive effects in continental river basin in Gansu province. (3)The ecological security index has declined slightly since 2001 in Ganzhou district, Jinta county, Gaotai county, as well as in Yumen district, respectively. In Minqin county, the ecological security index is improved but is still in the worse level.
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