. 艾比湖流域NDVI变化及其与降水、温度的关系[J]. 中国沙漠, 2014
, 34(6)
: 1678
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00312
Precipitation and temperature are the two important climate elements and the main driving forces to the vegetation activity. The variation of precipitation and temperature will directly affect the conditions of vegetation growth. This paper, based on MODIS NDVI data from 2000 to 2012, and rainfall and temperature data in 34 weather stations at the same time, carried out the NDVI change trend and its responses to the temporal and spatial variations in precipitation and temperature. The result indicated that: In 13 years, the NDVI of the Ebinur Lake Basin rose. The NDVI increased significantly (p<0.05) and extremely significantly (p<0.01) in the core and the edge of the oasis area; the area with no changed NDVI (p>0.05) is 64.25%, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total area. The area with significant and very significant linear correlation of precipitation and NDVI accounted for 33.27% and 2.66%, respectively, in the studied area, and they were mainly distribute in Wenquan, Bole and Southern of Toli. Whereas the area with significant and very significant linear correlation of temperature and NDVI accounted for 11.35% and 0.30%, respectively, in the studied area, and they were mainly distribute in the east of Bole. At the inter-annual variability level, the analysis of partial correlation coefficient and analysis of linear correlation all showed that: the NDVI generally positively correlated with the annual precipitation, while negatively correlated with the average temperature, and the precipitation effects on the NDVI were significantly higher than the average temperature. At the monthly variability level, the NDVI lagged behind the overall precipitation for a month, for the lagging of average temperature performance is not obvious, and it was likely to be caused by the selection of NDVI that the time scale was too large; the monthly sequence correlation coefficient of average temperature and the NDVI was obviously higher than that in sequence of the correlation of rainfall and NDVI, it showed that the month level on the growth of vegetation temperature is greater than the effect of precipitation.
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