

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • 双月刊 创刊于1981年


  • 唐丽 ,
  • 董玉祥
  • 1. 中山大学 地理科学与规划学院/广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室, 广东 广州 510275;
    2. 广州大学 教师培训学院, 广东 广州 510405

收稿日期: 2014-06-10

  修回日期: 2014-08-20

  网络出版日期: 2015-01-20



Characteristics of Grain Size of Modern Aeolian Sand and Beach Sand in coast of South China

  • Tang Li ,
  • Dong Yuxiang
  • 1. School of Geography and Planning/Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
    2. School of Teacher Training, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510405, China

Received date: 2014-06-10

  Revised date: 2014-08-20

  Online published: 2015-01-20




唐丽 , 董玉祥 . 唐丽,董玉祥.华南海岸现代风成沙与海滩沙的粒度特征差异[J]. 中国沙漠, 2015 , 35(1) : 14 -23 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00114


Based on the data of grain size of 141 modern aeolian sand samples and 70 beach sand samples located in the southern Fujian coast, eastern Guangdong coast, western Guangdong coast and Hainan island coast, which are the typical coastal dune distribution places in south China coast, the difference characteristics of grain size of modern aeolian sand and beach sand in south China coast are analyzed by use of grain size parameters such as the component of grain size, mean size, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. The results show that, compared with the beach sand, modern aeolian sand have the characteristics of thinner grain size, higher sorting degree, more positive skewness and sharper kurtosis. But modern aeolian sand and beach sand in south China coast have no marked difference, they have the similar probability cumulative curve and normal could not be distinguished by use of the parameter plot of grain size. Meanwhile, the difference of modern aeolian sand and beach sand clearly changes in different coastal regions. These difference characteristics of modern aeolian sand and beach sand in south China coast are mainly resulted from the short formation time of coastal aeolian dunes, wind direction change of monsoon climate, high frequency typhoon, narrow space for aeolian activities, sand sources of different grain size and different scale of coastal dune.


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