采自不同微生境的齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis)沙培植株生长与叶形态差异
收稿日期: 2014-09-06
修回日期: 2014-12-09
网络出版日期: 2015-03-20
Comparison of Growth and Leaf Morphological Characters of Sand-cultivated Shoots of Syntrichia caninervis Sampled from Two Different Microhabitats
Received date: 2014-09-06
Revised date: 2014-12-09
Online published: 2015-03-20
齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis)是古尔班通古特沙漠苔藓结皮层中的优势物种。本研究通过碎片撒播法,对采自不同微生境(灌丛下遮荫和灌丛间裸露地)的齿肋赤藓样品进行沙培试验,旨在探明采自不同微生境苔藓样品的沙培植株在生长和叶形态方面是否存在差异,以期为耐旱藓类样品的采集和人工培养提供一定参考。结果表明:(1)沙培植株盖度及密度呈显著差异,而生物量和株高则无显著差异。采自灌丛间裸露地的苔藓样品沙培植株的密度、盖度及生物量均高于灌丛下遮荫生境的样品,而株高的差别则相反。(2)采自灌丛间裸露地的样品沙培后的植株中部和底部叶片的宽度、顶部叶片的叶片毛尖长度均显著高于采自灌丛下遮荫样品沙培后的植株;而两生境的沙培藓株从顶部至底部的叶片长度及中肋宽度无显著差异。采自灌丛间裸露地样品的沙培植株具有更大的植株密度和盖度,且叶片顶部具有更长的毛尖,这些特征都与植株的抗旱性有关。因此,采自灌丛间裸露地齿肋赤藓沙培植株表现出较强的抗旱性。
关键词: 齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis); 形态特征; 沙培; 微生境
许红梅 , 尹本丰 , 李进 , 张元明 . 采自不同微生境的齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis)沙培植株生长与叶形态差异[J]. 中国沙漠, 2015 , 35(2) : 373 -379 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00197
Syntrichia caninervis is the dominant species of moss crusts in the Gurbantunggut Desert, the largest fixed and semi-fixed desert in northwestern China. This species has a strong ability of desiccation-tolerant, making them the artificial cultivation sample used for fixing sand. However, the differences in growth and leaf morphological characters of sand-cultivated shoots of S. caninervis sampled from different microhabitats are poorly studied. In this study, the fragments of S. caninervis shoots collected from two different microhabitats including under shrub canopy (understory) and exposed spaces between shrubs (exposed intershrub) were separately cultivated on the same sand medium under laboratory conditions for fifty days. Growth parameters (coverage, density and shoot height) and leaf morphological characteristics (leaf width, leaf length, midrib width and leaf hair point length) of the seedlings were measured and compared. Results showed that: (1) there existed significant differences of shoot coverage and density between the two sampling microhabitats, but no significant difference was found on the shoots height or the biomass. Compared to the sand-cultural seedlings from understory, the value of shoots coverage, density and biomass of cultivated shoots from intershrub were higher, while the shoot height showed the opposite results. (2) There were significant differences among sand-cultural seedlings from different microhabitat in leaf width from middle and bottom of shoots, as well as the leaf hair point length from top of shoots. However, no obvious morphological differences in leaf length and midrib width were observed. The leaf width of middle and bottom sand-cultural seedlings from exposed intershrub were wider than those from understory, and the leaf hair point length also showed the same result. All the results indicated that the sand-cultured seedlings from exposed intershrub performed a better adaptation to extreme arid environment than those from understory after sand cultivation.
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