收稿日期: 2014-12-16
修回日期: 2015-01-16
网络出版日期: 2015-03-20
Morphological Characteristics and Spatial Pattern of Populus euphratica Nebkhas to the West of the Hotan River in the Taklimakan Desert
Received date: 2014-12-16
Revised date: 2015-01-16
Online published: 2015-03-20
胡杨沙堆是风沙流遇到胡杨干扰,沙物质堆积而形成的一种风积地貌类型。在风沙地貌领域,对胡杨沙堆的研究几乎空白。和田河西侧、麻扎塔格山以南的塔克拉玛干沙漠中分布有大量胡杨沙堆。基于野外RTK测量数据,利用GIS和统计手段,对胡杨沙堆进行信息提取与统计,定量分析了和田河西侧10个样方内胡杨沙堆的形态参数及沙堆空间分布格局。结果表明:1)沙堆形态不规则,形态参数空间差异显著,南北向形态参数均值变化较东西向稳定; 2)样方内沙堆形态参数间有良好的相关性,大部分沙堆处于发育阶段; 3)沙堆分布较稀疏,自西向东沙堆分布密度逐渐增大,从南到北为减小—增大—减小的变化趋势,总体上南部密度大于北部,东部密度大于西部; 4)10个样方沙堆与特定距离的随机分布差异性较小,整体上为离散分布,但东部较西部、北部较南部有小部分区域聚集分布。
来风兵 , 孙虎 , 张展赫 , 陈蜀江 , 黄铁成 , 毛东雷 . 塔克拉玛干沙漠和田河西侧胡杨沙堆的形态特征及空间分布格局[J]. 中国沙漠, 2015 , 35(2) : 284 -293 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00030
Populus euphratica nebkha is a kind of aeolian landform caused by either the sand material accumulation or disturbed action of the wind. In the filed of aeolian landforms, there were been few studies done on P. euphratica nebkhas. To the west of the Hotan River and to the south of Hemp-tager Mountain, there are a large number of P. euphratica nebkhas in the Taklimakan Desert. Information of P. euphratica nebkhas landforms were extracted and calculated based on the field data achieved by geomagnetic RTK measuring method, with the support of GIS software. Morphometric parameters and spatial distribution pattern of 10 quadrats of P. euphratica nebkhas were studied. The results showed that: (1) there is no irregular shape with P. euphratica nebkhas. There is significant difference with morphometric parameters in spatial distribution. Average morphometric parameters in north-south direction. P. euphratica nebkhas are more stable than that in east-west direction; (2) there are significant correlation among morphometric parameters, most of P. euphratica nebkhas are still in the phase of developing; (3) distribution of P. euphratica nebkhas is sparse, the density of P. euphratica nebkhas increases gradually from west direction to east direction. However, there are from the south to the north, the changing shows decreased first then increased, and then decreased again. Generally, the P. euphratica nebkhas of density of the southern part and the eastern part are denser than the northern part and the western part; (4) there are no large difference for spatial pattern of the 10 quadrats at specific distances. On the whole, it shows discrete distribution. However, small parts of aggregated distribution in regional area in eastern side compared with western side and in northern side compared with southern side.
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