Using average monthly climate data released by CRU(Climate Research Unit of The British East England University) from 1901 to 2012, we analysed the temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation, and air temperature in Shaanxi during the last 100 years.(1)There is a big difference of average annual precipitation in different areas, with abundant precipitation and the maximum interannual variations in the south Shaanxi, and the second largest interannual variations in Xi'an.(2)There is an obvious interdecadal change of precipitation in Shaanxi, rainfall changes slowly before 1940s, the range of variation becomes larger after 1940s and there are many years with too much or too little rain.(3)EOF1 of precipitation change EOF analysis shows the overall positive anomaly of precipitation, showing the consistent variation of annual precipitation in Shaanxi, while EOF2 of precipitation change EOF analysis shows significant interannual cycle, showing anti phase oscillation in the south Shaanxi and in the northeast Shaanxi.(4)There is 2 periods which are much colder before1920s and from 1950s to the middle 1990s. It is much warmer from 1920s to 1950s and after 1990s. Different from the air temperature change in the whole country, the second warmer period sharply began from 1990s, lagging behind the national climate change. Besides, the maximum temperature appeared not in 1940s but in 1990s.(5)The first air temperature mode explained 88.4% of total mode, showing consistent positive anomaly and the consistency of the spatial variation of average temperature in Shaanxi. Morlet Wavelet analysis shows 2-4 years periodic oscillation of air temperature and interdecadal change cycle of about 16 years.
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