Due to the lack of quantification analysis of sand-dust in China, this study aims to analyze dust fluxes of the wind erosion of soil from local source and transmission path of long-transportation sources. Single-event Wind Erosion Evaluation Program(SWEEP) is used to analyze local source and calculate total loss fluxes, creep and saltation fluxes, suspension fluxes and PM10 fluxes of a typical sand-dust pollution accident on March 9, 2013 in Tianjin. Combined with Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model(HYSPLIT), the study simulates trajectories of airborne particles and analyzes transport characteristics of airborne particles process of long-transportation sources in Tianjin. The results show that maximum dust emission fluxes of per block and total emission fluxes occur in Tanggu district, one of the twelve suburb districts of Tianjin on March 9,2013, mainly because of the strong speed. Suspension fluxes account for 85.19%, which are the largest proportion of total loss fluxes. Inner Mongolia is the main transmission path of airborne particles. Movement trajectories of different heights tend to be consistent especially when the sand-dust is serious.
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