Responses of plant community structure and biomass to nutrient addition and increased precipitation were examined in the Horqin Sandy Grassland. We studied the variations of responses to nutrient and water addition of different functional group species biomasses, and discussed how effect of the variations on community productivity. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Community productivities were not affected by nitrogen, phosphorus and water addition. But the community productivity were significant affected by the interaction of nitrogen and water addition. For example, community productivity were increased 85.1%, 107.9% and 57.2% in nitrogen addition×increase snow in winter, nitrogen addition×increase precipitation in summer and phosphorus addition×increase precipitation in summer treatments. (2) We also found that community productivities were higher in nitrogen addition×increase precipitation in summer than phosphorus addition×increase precipitation in summer, this result may suggested that the plant were more favor nitrogen at high water levels although water increased would enhanced the plant to nitrogen and phosphors use efficiency. (3) The sensitivity of the three plant functional groups was quite different. Grasses were most, forbs were less sensitive to simulated rainfall and available nitrogen in the improved disturbing condition. The biomasses of three functional groups plants were increased as available nitrogen increased. Biomasses of grasses were decreased in phosphorus addition treatments which were 61.9% lower than control treatments. Water addition only affected the biomass of legumes, for example, snow and precipitation decreased 193.3% and 220.5%, respectively, of legumes biomasses. The grasses biomasses were significantly increased in the interaction of nitrogen and water treatment, for example, the biomasses of grasses increase 80.4% in nitrogen×snow treatments and 91.6% in snow×precipitation treatments.
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