Oasis plays an important role in desert-grassland ecosystems and is greatly challenged by climate change and growing land use change. In this paper, the oases sustainable development in the south rim of Tarim Basin was mainly discussed base on reviewing the research progress of eolian control and previous research projects by Cele National Research Station. Then we pointed out on the epistemological level, oasification should be deeply re-understood, and emphasized the relation between desertification and oasification, that is exacerbated desertification was actually caused by unsuitable oasification process. On the methodological level, the inherent uncertainty of oasischaracteristics should be taken into be consideration, and then one simple uncertainty concept model about suitable oasis scale was provided, considering natural and social factors. As a conclusion, in the hyper-arid area of Xinjiang, to control eolian/desertification and to achieve oasis sustainable development, the key point is to properly define the balance between oasis and desert.
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