针对毛乌素沙地光伏电站项目,观测项目区的风速、风速廓线及风速流场特征,探讨有效的风蚀防治措施及其合理布局。结果表明:(1)太阳能板的存在使项目区风速流场的空间分布发生了明显变化,显著增加了板间近地面出风口处的风速,降低了板间远地面进风口处的风速,太阳能板间呈现出明显的掏蚀区和堆积区。(2)与项目区外围相比,太阳能板使20 cm及200 cm高度的风速分别降低了44.06%及63.68%。项目区外围及太阳能板正中间风速随高度的增加均呈上升趋势,而且太阳能板间60 cm高度以下风速增加更明显,不利于地表沙土的固定。(3)项目区外围麦草方格沙障、砾石压盖及红泥覆盖均起到一定的固沙作用,其中,以砾石压盖措施的固沙效果最优。(4)太阳能板间,除麦草方格沙障外,其余各措施均能起到固沙作用,其中以掏蚀区+砾石/堆积区+红泥覆盖的组合措施的固沙效果最优。
Relying on the photovoltaic power plant in Mu Us Sand Land, the effective engineering measures and its reasonable layout were discussed through observing the wind speed, wind speed profile and wind velocity flow field characteristics in this project area. The results showed that:(1)Solar panels make the spatial distribution of wind speed flow field changed significantly, wind speed near the surface at the wind outlet of solar panels increased while the wind speed far away the ground at wind inlet of solar panels reduced, and undercutting area and stacking area between the solar panels occurred. (2) Comparing with the project area periphery, solar panels made the wind speed in the height of 20 cm and 200 cm decreased by 44.06% and 63.68%, respectively. Wind speed is positive to height in the project area periphery and middle of the solar panels, and the wind speed below 60 cm between the solar panels increased much more obviously, which is not conducive to sand stabilization. (3) In the project area periphery, straw checkerboard barriers, gravel capping and soil covering measures play an important role in sand-fixing, in which gravel capping measures is the optimum. (4) Between the solar panels, all measures besides straw checkerboard barriers fixed sand effectively, in which gravel in undercutting area +red mud in accumulating area is the best combination.
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