起沙风况、输沙势和输沙量是反映风沙活动强度的3个重要指标。以青海湖东克土流沙区的风况资料为依据,结合实地风沙观测数据,分析了区域的风沙活动特征。结果表明:(1)3\,4\,5月(主要风沙活动期)起沙风出现的比率分别是0.40、0.47\,0.53,起沙风速集中于6~16 m·s-1,占统计时段的91%,高能起沙风速(达到16 m·s-1及其以上的风速)集中在16:00-20:00。(2)研究区域总体上属于高能风况环境,3月和5月输沙势的风向变率都小于0.3,表明风向变幅大,风能不集中,对于沙区周围公路和草原的危害从不同的方向推进。(3)观测期间各方位输沙量总和为503.67 kg,NE、ENE、E和ESE 4个方位的输沙量最大,占总输沙量的43.56%。
Sand-moving wind regime, sand drift potential (DP) and sand transport amount are three important indices to reflect wind-blown sand activity intensity. This paper analyzes wind-blown sand activity intensity based on the recorded wind data at Ketu Sandy Land in eastern shore of the Qinghai Lake. The results are as follows: (1) The ratios of sand-moving wind occurring frequency were 0.40, 0.47 and 0.53 respectively from March to May in 2014. Sand-moving wind velocity for transportation of sand was mainly focused on 6-16 m·s-1 which accounted for 91 percent in statistical time range. The high sand rising speed that was up to 16 m·s-1 was in the time from 16:00 to 20:00. (2) The analysis of sand drift potential showed that the study area was belonging to high energy wind condition and the ratio of wind direction were both less than 0.3 during March and May, which indicated that the variability of wind direction had a great extent as well as not focused wind energy. So it was easy to be damaged for the road and grassland surrounding the Qinghai Lake from different directions. (3) The sand transport amount was 503.67 kg during the study period which included 16 directions, and the NE, ENE, E and ESE were account for 43.56 percent.
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