From farmers' sustainable livelihoods framework, we took the Hexi Corridor six counties as investigation object, and established the farmers' livelihood index system for quantitative analysis, which revealed the impact of the relationship between the livelihood assets and strategies. The results showed that: (1)Whether the project group or the control group, the five farmers livelihood assets relatively scared, particular the natural and financial assets were extremely scarce, so the allocation of farmers livelihood assets were unreasonable, resulting in a high degree of farmers' vulnerability. (2)The natural assets, the human assets and the physical assets were significant to farmers' livelihood strategies, including the farmers of the natural and physical assets-rich tended to select agricultural production, and the farmers of the human assets-rich tended to select non-agricultural industries. (3)The degree of industry and agriculture, the farmers in the control group were higher than the project group's. Based on these, the government could take many measures to improve the farmers' livelihood assets, achieve diversification of farmers' livelihood, enhance the level of farmers' livelihood, and further change the development model of local agriculture and ease the pressure on the local ecology.
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