

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • 双月刊 创刊于1981年


  • 韩广 ,
  • 尤莉 ,
  • 程玉琴
  • 1. 湖南师范大学 资源与环境科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410081;
    2. 内蒙古自治区气候中心, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051;
    3. 乌兰察布市气象局, 内蒙古 乌兰察布 012000

收稿日期: 2016-05-16

  修回日期: 2016-08-23

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-20



Characteristics of Ground Wind Regimes in the Horqin Sandy Land when A Cold Front Passed in Spring

  • Han Guang ,
  • You Li ,
  • Cheng Yuqin
  • 1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China;
    2. Climatic Center of Inner Mongolia, Huhhot 010014, China;
    3. Meteorological Bureau of Wulanchabu City, Wulanchabu 012000, Inner Mengolia, China

Received date: 2016-05-16

  Revised date: 2016-08-23

  Online published: 2016-07-20



关键词: 科尔沁沙地; 冷锋; 风况


韩广 , 尤莉 , 程玉琴 . 科尔沁沙地春季冷锋过境的地面风况特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2016 , 36(4) : 1087 -1096 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00121


Based on hourly wind records of 13 weather stations in early May, 2014, the authors analyzed and discussed the primary tempo-spatial characteristics of ground wind regimes in the Horqin Sandy Land when typical cold fronts passed. The results showed that: (1) Controlled by troughs at high altitudes and ground low pressure, instantaneous velocity can increase quickly up to more than 10 m·5s-1 in 8 hours, and the direction turns to NW when a cold front passes over; (2) Along the prevailing wind direction, the speed of front advance attained 12.5 m·5s-1 in the upwind grassland, while 9.21 m·5s-1 in the sandy land, which the speed is varied with different locations; (3) With regard to the maximum entropy spectra of wind velocity, the largest value occurred to Linxi, and the smallest to Kezuohou Bannar;(4) There seem to be remarkable cycles of 2 h and 4 h, and somewhat 10 h and 25 h in Sandy Land and mountains, whereas the cycles of strong wind induced by cold fronts are not obvious; (5) Constant and frequent strong winds caused by cold fronts not only modify significantly morphology of dunes and drive robustly dune advance, but also sculpture and sustain spatial patterns of dunefields in the vast region.


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