Water resources are the most critical factors to ecology and society in arid basins, such as the Hutubi River Basin. Isotope technique was convenient to trace this process and reveal the in uence from the environment. In this paper, we try to investigate the temporal and spatial characteristics in stable isotope (18O and D) of surface water and groundwater in the Hutubi River. Through the water stable isotope composition measurement, the characteristics of deuterium (δD) and oxygen 18 (δ18O) were analyzed. It is revealed that:(1) comparing the stream water line with the groundwater line and local meteorological water line of Urumqi, it is found that the contribution of precipitation to surface water in stream runoff is the main source, whereas the surface water is the main source of groundwater. Groundwater is mainly drainage of surface runoff in the river; (2) in the main stream of the Hutubi River, the spatial variability of river water showed a heavier-lighter-heavier' change along with the main stream for δ18O, and temporal variability showed higher in summer and lower in winter; (3) the δ18O value of Precipitation, surface water; groundwater and snowmelt were -12.42‰, -9.94‰, -10.23‰ and -19.42‰, respectively. the δ2H values of Precipitation, surface water; groundwater and snowmelt were -86.25‰, -66.66‰, -69.82‰ and -150.79‰, respectively.
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