Soil moisture is one of the main limiting factors to vegetation development in arid and semi-arid area. During the dry season, spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture at the individual scale, community scale and dune-interdune lands scale was measured in the south Gurbantunggut Desert in 0-100 cm depth. Results showed that at the same scale, average soil moisture increased significantly with soil depth increasing from 0 to 100 cm. However, the coefficient variation (CV) of top soil was greater than other soil depths. At the vertical and horizontal directions, the patterns of spatial distribution of soil moisture around H. ammodendron base at individual scale were different. In the vertical directions, the soil moisture increased with the soil depths increasing; In the horizontal directions, with the outward from tree base increased, the soil moisture at crest increased,while the soil moisture decreased at midslope and interdune, and the difference was not significant. On H. ammodendron community scale, the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture is strong, and represented a patch-shaped distribution. Terrain factor is the main factor which affect the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture at the scale of dune-interdune lands, which lead the soil moisture was highest at the interdune, and lowest at the upper slope.
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