Lamiophlomis rotataa is an endangered plateau medicinal herb. Based on fuzzy matter-element model, fuzzy membership functions of the relationships between the plant yield and 14 ecological factors were designed. On the basis of these data, the optimum suitability conditions for the plant were calculated and the relative importance of each environmental factor were determined by the entropy method model, resulting in the most limiting suitability assessment criteria. Finally, the probably adaptive regions for the plant were estimated based on GIS spatial analysis of habitat conditions in Tibet areas in order to explore the adaptive distribution and provide a scientific basis for monitoring and utilization of the plant resources. The results showed that there was 3.13% of the studied area classified as the best suitable region for L. rotata, 6.34% of which as the highly suitable region, 8.53% as the middle suitable region, 6.35% as the low suitable, and 75.65% of which as the unsuitable region. The best and the highly suitable regions were mainly located in Sichuan, Gansu, and Qinghai on the Eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau areas, where were rich in secondary vegetations and degraded alpine meadows. The assessment model based on GIS could accurately evaluate the ecological suitability and the spatial distribution for the plant, which is of value to address the choice of good agricultural practice (GAP) and provide insight for choosing the most suitable cultivation sites as well as the habitat protection zones.
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