Studying the nutrient element contents and their variations of different organs of the plant living in extreme environments is very important to reveal the need of nutrient elements and the nutrient distributions of different organs for the plant, and it is also necessary to show the plant's adaptive and feedback capacities to extreme environments. Taking five different aged Populus euphratica forests (young, middle aged, near mature, mature and over-mature) in Lunnan town, Luntai county, Xinjiang as research subjects, the C, N ,P contents in leaves, breaches and roots of Populus euphratica were measured, and their stoichiometric characteristics were analyzed. The results indicated that: (1) there was a significant difference in the C and N contents of different organs, the contents of C and N were, breaches (464.70 g·kg-1)>leaves (443.35 g·kg-1)>roots (420.31 g·kg-1), leaves(13.56 g·kg-1)>breaches (4.00 g·kg-1)>roots (3.49 g·kg-1). There was no significant difference for P contents at different organs, which was roots (3.04 g·kg-1)>leaves (2.84 g·kg-1)>breaches (2.34 g·kg-1). Forest age had a significant effect on C contents of leaves, but a small influence on nutrient elements of different organs. (2) the difference among the stoichiometry of different organs was remarkable, the ratios of C:N, C:P and N:P were, roots (123.67)>breaches (117.86)>leaves (33.28), breaches (227.14)>leaves (178.49)>roots (154.23), leaves (5.29)>breaches (1.90)>roots (1.29). Forest age had a significant effect on the ratios of C:P and N:P of breaches, but a little effect on the ratios of stoichiometry of different organs. (3) The ratios of N:P of leaves was 5.29, which was much less than the threshold value, showing that the growth of Populus euphratica in this area was greatly influenced by total N.
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