Adopting the relative carrying capacity of resources theory and research methods, this paper analyzed quantitatively the variation in space and time of the resources' relative carrying capacity in 8 township of Yanchi as well as differences among them, and gave a spatial expression of the matching characteristics of the carrying capacity. The results showed that: the carrying capacities of towns in Yanchi have three different states as being heavily overload, overload and surplus, compared with their comprehend carrying capacities of population; the spatial and temporal variation of the economical carrying capacity of relative natural resources is steady and the economic potential of natural resources is constantly rising; grassland's relative carrying capacity of livestock is constantly rising over time and the differences in space is obvious; and divided different carrying capacity matching patterns based on the combinations of the above three carrying capacity states and further put forward different types of sustainable development strategies for those different states. This study can provide suggestions for towns in Yanchi, which are forbidden to graze for ten years, and provide theoretical support for the policy of "Return Grazing land to Grassland".
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