

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • 双月刊 创刊于1981年


  • 余倩 ,
  • 胡玉福 ,
  • 蒋双龙 ,
  • 舒向阳 ,
  • 廖前超 ,
  • 蒲琴
  • 1. 四川农业大学 资源学院, 四川 成都 611130;
    2. 开江县国土资源局, 四川 开江 636250

收稿日期: 2015-12-07

  修回日期: 2016-03-21

  网络出版日期: 2017-05-20



Characteristics of Soil Organic Nitrogen Fractions in the Process of Grassland Desertification in Northwest of Sichuan

  • Yu Qian ,
  • Hu Yufu ,
  • Jiang Shuanglong ,
  • Shu Xiangyang ,
  • Liao Qianchao ,
  • Pu Qin
  • 1. College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China;
    2. The Bureau of Land and Resources of Kaijiang County, Kaijiang 636250, Sichuan, China

Received date: 2015-12-07

  Revised date: 2016-03-21

  Online published: 2017-05-20


通过野外调查,结合土样采集及室内分析(Bremner法),研究了川西北不同程度沙化草地(未沙化、轻度沙化、中度沙化、重度沙化、极重度沙化)不同土层(0~20、20~40、40~60、60~80、80~100 cm)的有机氮组分特征。结果表明:随着草地沙化程度的提高,不同土层的土壤有机氮组分含量均呈下降趋势,其中0~20 cm土层变化最明显,土壤酸解全氮(TAHN)、非酸解氮(NAHN)、酸解氨态氮(AN)、氨基酸态氮(AAN)、氨基糖态氮(ASN)、未知态氮(HUN)含量降低幅度分别为90.58%、69.28%、91.44%、91.01%、87.77%、88.99%;与未沙化草地相比,极重度沙化草地有机氮组分含量显著降低,且下降幅度呈现出AAN> AN> HUN> ASN> NAHN特征,表明AN、AAN较ASN、HUN、NAHN对生态环境变化更为敏感;不同沙化阶段土壤有机氮组分含量降低幅度存在较大差异,但均呈现出沙化前期降幅相对较大,沙化后期降幅相对较小的变化特征,表明草地沙化前期土壤有机氮素流失更为严重.因此,及时对沙化草地的治理,对于防治沙化草地氮素流失具有重要意义。


余倩 , 胡玉福 , 蒋双龙 , 舒向阳 , 廖前超 , 蒲琴 . 川西北高寒沙化草地有机氮组分特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2017 , 37(3) : 500 -506 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00041


Based on the field investigation, combined with collecting soil sample and laboratory analysis, the characteristics of soil organic nitrogen fractions (Bremner) in the different degree desertification grassland (non-desertification, light-desertification, moderate-desertification, heavy-desertification and severe-desertification) of the different soil layers (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and 80-100 cm) in the Northwest of Sichuan were studied. Results show that: during the process of grassland desertification, different layers of soil organic nitrogen group content showed a downward trend, which 0-20 cm soil layer was most obvious, THAN, NAHN, AN, AAN, ASN and HUN were reduced 90.58%, 69.28%, 91.44%, 91.01%, 87.77% and 88.99%; Compared with the non-desertification grassland, the content of the soil organic nitrogen fractions of the severe-desertification grassland showed the different decrease amplitude: AAN> AN> HUN> ASN> NAHN; compared with HUN, ASN and NAHN, the organic nitrogen components changed in AN and AAN were relatively large, and more sensitive to the ecological environment; there were significant differences in the contents of organic nitrogen components in different desertification stages, but the decline of the early stage of grassland desertification was relatively large, and the decrease in the late period of the desertification was relatively small, showed that the loss of the soil organic nitrogen element was more severe during the early stage of grassland desertification. Thus improving the grassland desertification in time is significant for preventing nitrogen loss in soil desertification.


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