利用陆面过程模式BATS,引入地表发射率及两种大气发射率参数化方案,同时引入不同的地表粗糙度参数化方案,对比各种参数化方案对沙漠下垫面地面温度及能量收支的模拟状况。结果表明:采用Van Bavel等发展的地表发射率及Chung等发展的大气发射率方案可以明显改进地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟,Chung等方案在夜间与正午的模拟效果更好,减小了1 ℃左右的地面温度模拟偏差,减小了10 W·m-2左右的向上长波辐射模拟偏差。晴天地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟结果优于阴天。利用Zhang等发展的裸土粗糙度参数化方案也会提高模式对地表感热通量模拟的准确性。
An atmospheric emissivity parameterization scheme,two bare soil emissivity parameterization schemes and two surface roughness parameterization schemes are evaluated in a land surface model (BATS) over desert.It shows that Van's bare soil emissivity scheme and Chung's atmospheric emissivity scheme can significantly improve the simulation of surface temperature and upward longwave radiation.Compared with the control run,Chung's scheme reduces the negative bias in the simulated surface temperature and upward longwave radiation by 1℃ and 10 W·m-2,respectively.The simulations of surface temperature and upward longwave radiation on clear days are better than those on cloudy days.Moreover,the surface roughness parameterization,which is given by Zhang,can significantly improve the simulation of sensible heat flux.
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