A landscape scale transect was chosen in the Xilinguole grassland, in which 160 investigating and sampling points with an interval of 400 m were designed to collect surface soil in the depth of 0-1 cm. Soil particle distribution of the samples was determined, and the characteristics of fractal dimension of the soil particles as well as their relationship to wind erosion were analyzed. Results show that:(1) the smaller the fractal dimension is, the coarser the soil texture is. Fractal dimension has a significant positive correlation with fine particles smaller than 0.05 mm, and significant negative correlation with coarse particles larger than 0.05 mm. (2) The trend of fractal dimensions among different land use is ungrazed > lightly grazed > moderately grazed > heavily grazed > cultivated land. In grassland, the larger the soil bulk density is, the smaller the fractal dimension is. In cultivated land, there is no significant correlation between fractal dimension and soil bulk density. (3) The greater the fractal dimension is, the lower the wind erosion risk is. The smaller the fractal dimension is, the higher the wind erosion risk is.
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