利用2013年8月至2014年7月塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地人工绿地中心和边缘地带气温、相对湿度、气压、风速和风向资料,对比分析了绿地中心和边缘地带的小气候特征。结果表明:该区域局地小气候主要体现在风速和春、夏、秋季湿度上,而气温和冬季湿度分别主要受逆温和逆湿的影响。白天,绿地中心区域的气温与边缘地带相差较小,但夜间二者相差较大;1月、4月、7月、10月夜间因近地层80 m内存在明显逆温现象,边缘地带所处地势较高,气温比中心区域高0.1~8.3℃、0.3~4.1℃、0.4~4.2℃、0.5~8.4℃。绿地中心区域3-10月湿度明显高于边缘地带,塔中本站湿度比西沙梁高0.3~1.8 g·kg-1、比东沙梁高0.7~3.5 g·kg-1,体现了绿化带增加湿度的作用,但1月因近地层80 m内具有明显逆湿现象,绿地中心区域湿度比边缘地带小。绿地中心区域和边缘地带3-10月风速较大,12月至次年2月风速较小;绿地中心区域风速明显小于边缘地带,塔中本站日平均最大风速比边缘地带约高0.5~1.0 m·s-1,体现了植被对风速的减弱作用。
In this paper, we analyzed the microclimatic characteristics over the center and edge areas in artificial shelter forest land in hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert by use of air temperature, relative humidity, pressure, wind speed, wind direction (observed) and specific humidity (calculated) data from August 2013 to July 2014. The result showed that the microclimate was mainly reflected in the annual wind speed and humidity in spring, summer and autumn, while, annual air temperature and humidity in winter are mainly affected by temperature inverse and humidity inverse. During the day time, air temperature difference was small between the center and edge areas in artificial shelter forest land, while their difference is large at night. There is obviously inversion phenomenon within 80m above the ground at night in January, April, July and October. The air temperature in the edge area is higher than in the center area, and the difference range is 0.1-8.3℃, 0.3-4.1℃, 0.4-4.2℃, 0.5-8.4℃, respectively, in January, April, July, and October. Meanwhile, the terrain of edge area is higher than the center area. The humidity in the center area is significantly higher than in the edge area from March to October. Among them, the humidity in Tazhong station is about 0.3-1.8 g·kg-1 higher than Xishaliang, 0.7-3.5 g·kg-1 higher than Dongshaliang from March to October. This phenomenon reflects the increasing humidity effect of the green belt. Whereas, the humidity in the center area is smaller than in the edge area in January, which is may caused by the humidity inversion phenomenon within 80 m above the ground. The wind speed in the center area and the edge area is strong from March to October, while, it is small from December to February. The wind speed in the center area is significantly smaller than in the edge area from March to October. The mean maximum wind speed in Tazhong station is about 0.5-1.0 m·s-1 higher than in the edge area from March to October. This phenomenon reflects that the vegetation could decrease the wind speed.
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