Lanzhou-Urumqi high-speed railway crosses the longest strong wind area and is also the largest scale of windproof engineering railway in the world. Strong wind threatens the safety of high-speed operations. It is very important and urgent to clarify the distributions, characteristics and hazard features of strong wind along Lanzhou-Urumqi high-speed railway. This paper analyzed the strong wind monitoring data along the railway by climate analysis, weather diagnosis and actual measured check, etc. It was found that the local extra-strong wind zones influenced by microtopography and specific climate conditions. The spatial-temporal variations of wind speed and wind direction in both areal and vertical along the railway were also pointed out. Moreover, this research divided five strong wind areas into different design subareas of windproof engineering by the approach of Windproof Engineering Subarea, which is based on terrain, wind power, frequency of strong wind and hazardous amplitude. In addition, the design subareas are very-low-frequency strong wind area, low-frequency strong wind area, general-frequency strong wind area, high-frequency strong wind area and very high-frequency strong wind area. The principle of route selection in strong wind area should comply with a principle of decreasing height, shortening angle and enlarging radius. On the basis of engineering subareas it evaluates safety characteristics of trains in different engineering subareas when designing of windproof engineering, it establishes systematically engineering countermeasures which is led by matching the design subarea of windproof engineering, it also combined with engineering conditions and fit for different engineering subareas.
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