In this paper, using the land radiation observation data and corresponding meteorological data of two land-gas flux monitoring stations in Tazhong and Guaizihu Lake from February 2013 to January 2014, the author compared the characteristics of solar radiation flux and surface albedo in Tazhong and Guaizihu lake and explored the relationship between solar radiation flux, surface albedo and solar altitude angle. The results show that:(1)The surface radiation flux in Tazhong and the Guaizihu Lake showed variational characteristic that synchronize with season. The total surface radiation in Tazhong, which have the advantage of solar radiation, is less than that of the Guaizihu Lake in several months, due to the influence of sand-dust weather.The sand particle in Guaizihu Lake is relatively thicker and contains a large amount of quartz grains with high transparency, and the surface albedo in Guaizihu Lake is larger than in Tazhong. The diurnal variation of surface radiation flux presents inverted "U" curve in both places. (2)The sand particle in Guaizihu Lake is so thick that the dust is not easily suspended after sandstorms. As a result, the radiation flux recovers more quickly after sandstorms in Guaizihu Lake than in Tazhong. (3)The solar altitude angle in the two places is the largest in summer and the minimum in winter, the maximum value is 75°, and the minimum value is 45° and 40° in Tazhong and Guaizihu Lake, respectively. The radiation flux increases with the solar altitude angle, surface albedo also decreases, but affected by a variety of factors the maximum radiation flux does not appear at the largest solar altitude angle.
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