The fairness of the resource exploitation and utilization are analyzed in Xijiang River basin based on the resource environment Gini coefficient of GDP, regional population and ecological capacity. The results showed:(1) from the perspective of economic aggregate, the energy consumption and COD emissions are relatively balanced, water consumption has the big difference between cities. The environmental fairness of the economically developed areas is generally superior to the less developed areas. (2) From the perspective of regional population, the energy consumption, COD emissions and water consumption are relatively balanced. The environment fairness in Guangdong is generally good in Xijiang River basin. (3) From the perspective of ecological capacity, the Gini coefficient based on ecological capacity are all at the level over 0.4-the cautionary line, and are generally greater than that of GDP. The environment fairness is generally poor between cities of Xijiang River basin. (4) the Gini coefficient based on GDP, regional population and ecological capacity are all at the level over 0.4-the cautionary line in Xijiang River basin. The local government should take effective measures to reduce the SO2 emission.
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