研究人工梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)固沙林在植被恢复过程中土壤-植被系统耦合特征,以揭示植被与土壤相互促进影响的过程,为优化干旱沙区植被重建提供科学依据。基于古尔班通古特沙漠南缘7~42年梭梭人工固沙林植被、土壤的全面调查和取样分析,建立了11个植被因子和7个土壤因子的2级层次指标体系,采用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,构建了9个固沙年限的植被土壤系统耦合度和耦合协调度模型;采用主成分分析法做变量降维并综合评价。结果表明:人工梭梭林植被恢复不同时段的植被-土壤系统耦合度和耦合协调度并不一一对应,植被与土壤的综合指数在不同固沙年限林地中的位置也并不完全一致,植被固沙过程中人工梭梭林系统始终停留在失调衰退阶段,林地植被和土壤均处于损益型状态。提取了5个主成分进行综合评价,得分最高的是42年人工梭梭林,可以推测人工梭梭林植被-土壤系统有从衰退型向协调发展转变的趋势,因此应加强人为抚育管理措施,促进植被土壤协调发展。
Vegetation and soil coupling characteristics of Haloxylon ammodendron plantation during the process of sand-fixation was studied, in order to promote the interaction between vegetation and soil and provide a scientific basis to optimize the restoration of vegetation in arid sandy areas. Based on the comprehensive investigation and sampling analysis of vegetation and soil system of 7-42 years H. ammodendron plantations in the southern of the Gurbantunggut desert, two index systems with eleven vegetation factors and seven soil factors were set up. Analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the weight of each factor and construct models on vegetation-soil coupling and coupling coordination degree of nine different aged plantations. Then the method of principal component analysis was used to make variable dimension reduction and comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that, vegetation and soil system coupling degree and coupling coordinative degree of H. ammodendron plantations in different sand fixation years were not one-to-one correspondence. Positions of the comprehensive index of vegetation (fx) and soil (fy) were not completely consistent in different aged plantations. The system of H. ammodendron plantations always stayed in disorder recession, vegetation and soil were proned to loss type during the process of sand-fixation. Five principal components evaluated that the first rank was 42 years plantation. The vegetation and soil system was inferred that had the trend from senescence to harmoniousdevelopment.So the trend of coordinated development between vegetation and soil would be promoted, if the artificial tending and management measures strengthened.
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