Under the background of global climate change, the change trend and amplitude of plant seeds, leaf traits are correctly predict vegetation dynamic process, the basis of the reasonable management of vegetation are put forward. But at present, about how to respond to seed and leaf traits precipitation pattern change, namely rainfall and its distribution on the study of phenotypic variation seed, leaf is very rare. This study through artificial simulated rainfall set up six precipitation enhancement processing, three processing consider seasonal distribution of precipitation enhancement is the early stage of the growing season, the late growing season precipitation, homogeneous precipitation growth season, two treatment increased rainfall, that is 50% and 100% of the average annual precipitation for many years, to study the typical desert plants Nitraria tangutorum phenotypic characteristics of different precipitation enhancement processing to adapt to the strategy as well as the relationship between the various characters. Results showed that compared with the control, the increase of rainfall significantly reduced the length of the N. tangutorum seed, volume, surface area and thousand grain weigth, in the growing season precipitation enhancement processing under 100%, N. tangutorum seed revealed the greatest variation, at the same time were significant difference between the two rainfall increased (P<0.05). The same increase rainfall condition, different period, the influence of precipitation enhancement than specific leaf area difference significant (P<0.05), but at the same time of precipitation between two treatment had no significant difference (P>0.05). Seed size and specific leaf area were significantly negative correlation (P<0.05).
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