

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Paleoclimate and Environment Evolution

Desert Evolution and Climate Change in the Horqin Sandy Land in Middle and Late Holocene

  • LIU Bing ,
  • JIN He-ling ,
  • SUN Zhong
  • Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received date: 2012-05-09

  Revised date: 2012-05-29

  Online published: 2013-01-20


The Horqin Sandy Land is located in northeastern edge of the East Asian monsoonal regions, and its natural environment is sensitive to the climate change. The sedimentary facies, grain size and geochemical parameters suggest environment and climate changes in the Horqin Sandy Land can be classified into 3 stages. In 7.0-3.6 cal ka BP, the sandy land was gradually fixed and shrank, accompanying the increased summer monsoon and weakened winter monsoon. The climate tended to be warm and wet in this period. In 3.6-1.3 cal ka BP, the sandy land kept stable in general with some activating and expanding phase. Compared with the aforementioned stage, the summer monsoon strength declined but it was still higher than the winter monsoon. The climate became relatively warm and humid. In 1.3-0.65 cal ka BP, with frequently alternations of the summer and winter monsoon, the sandy land had experienced several alternations of activation-expansion and fixing-shrinkage. The climate performed alternations of cold-dry and relatively warm-wet. Specifically, the desert evolution in the Horqin Sandy Land presented 8 activation-expansion phases and 8 fixing-shrinkage phases since the Mid-Holocene. The climate change also showed 8 cold-dry phases and 8 relatively warm-wet phases, which was obviously corresponding to the desert evolution. The desert evolution and climatic change in the Horqin Sandy land can be attributed to the variation of solar radiation and global ice volume.

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LIU Bing , JIN He-ling , SUN Zhong . Desert Evolution and Climate Change in the Horqin Sandy Land in Middle and Late Holocene[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(1) : 77 -86 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00011


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