Effects of Water Stress and Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Yucca brevifolia Seedlings
Received date: 2012-02-22
Revised date: 2012-03-14
Online published: 2012-03-14
Triennial seedlings were selected as objects to study the photosynthetic characteristic index and SPAD value of Yucca brevifolia seedling under different water stress (Normal,RWC≥75%; Moderate,RWC50%-60%; Severe,RWC35%-45%) and different shading treatments (natural light, 60% natural light, 20% natural light). The results showed that: (1) With the intensifying of water stress, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs) and water use efficiency (WUE) declined obviously. But, under severe water stress and natural light condition, the WUE was much higher than that under other treatments. The light saturation point (LSP) ranked as severe water stress>normal>moderate. (2) Under water stress, the blade width of seedlings increased, Pn, transpiration rate (Tr) and Gs of seedlings increased obviously on 60% natural light condition, while all index of seedlings declined significantly under 20% natural light. (3) On the same light condition, SPAD value of seedlings declined obviously as water stress intensified; under the same moisture condition, SPAD value rose as luminousness decreased. Therefore, when producing Yucca brevifolia seedlings, water stress should be increased properly to enhance WUE and LSP of seedlings. At the same time, a proper shading environment (around 60% natural light) could increase photosynthetic ability and SPAD value of seedlings, which can guarantee the growth and successful introduction of Yucca brevifolia seedlings in the desert area.
Key words: water stress; shading; Yucca brevifolia; photosynthetic characteristics; SPAD value
LIU Li-ning , MAN Xiu-ling , TANG Zhong-hua , LI Yi . Effects of Water Stress and Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Yucca brevifolia Seedlings[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(3) : 758 -764 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00109
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