Effects of Soil Moisture on Characteristics of Sap Flow of Securinega suffruticosa
Received date: 2013-01-14
Revised date: 2013-02-09
Online published: 2013-02-09
To explore characteristics of sap flow of Securinega suffruticosa and its response to soil moisture, sap flow velocity of S. suffruticosa was continuously measured under different soil moisture conditions in solar greenhouse via Dynamax sap flow measuring system. The results show that sap flow velocity of S. suffruticosa have significant daily rhythm. When soil moisture content is high (66.1%), the diurnal variation of sap flow velocity is as a broad multi-peak curve in a typical sunny day. Sap flow velocity begins rising rapidly at 06:00-06:30 in the morning, reaches a daily peak at 11:00, decreases to a lower level at 20:00-20:30, maintained relatively steady at night, and gets the lowest daily value at 04:00 am. Daily sap flow and peak value of sap flow velocity are positively logarithmically correlated with soil moisture, while daytime (06:00-20:00) sap flow is highly significantly positively correlated with soil moisture content (p<0.01). Night sap flow is significantly negatively correlated with soil moisture (p<0.01) when soil moisture content is between 49.5%-85.0%, and maintaines at a relatively stable level (34.1-35.0 g) when soil moisture content is between 22.0%-49.5%, and is not significantly correlated with soil moisture when soil moisture content is below 22.0%. Night sap flow reaches the maximum value when soil water content was 22.0%. The daytime between daytime and night sap flow decreases with decrease of soil moisture.
ZHAO Zi-guo1 , 2 , XIA Jiang-bao2 , WANG Rong-rong3 , LI Tian2 , ZHAO Yan-yun2 , LIU Jing-tao2 . Effects of Soil Moisture on Characteristics of Sap Flow of Securinega suffruticosa[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(5) : 1385 -1389 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00203
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