

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Desert and Desertification

Review of Wind-tunnel Simulations at Small Scale and Meso Scale

  • SUN Wu1 ,
  • LI Qing-xiang2 ,
  • HUANG Qi-ming2 ,
  • CHEN Dong-mei1 ,
  • WANG Lei1 ,
  • REN Yan-ni1
  • 1.School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
    2.Wind Engineering Research Center, Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research, Guangzhou 510500, China

Received date: 2012-12-28

  Revised date: 2013-03-12

  Online published: 2013-03-12


Its suggested that 10-50 km for horizontal length scales and 1∶5 000 for scale reduction should be used to distinguish between small scale and meso scale in wind tunnel tests. As yet, the most authoritative rule is Reynolds number independence when carrying out wind tunnel experiments on distorted scale models and exaggerated surface roughness. Therefore, according to the concept of Reynolds number, the accuracy of results of wind-tunnel experiments at small scale and meso scale can be deduced. In accordance with theoretical basis and application, for a flow system in which Coriolis effects were neglected and whose boundary conditions were similar under neutral conditions, the turbulent flow structure would be similar at all sufficiently high Reynolds numbers even the scale reduction of 1∶1 000 to 1∶10 000. But that is a controversial subject. In recent years, the technology of caving model by means of Digital Elevation Model has replaced traditional and arbitrary approaches to exaggerate surface roughness. A large number of wind-tunnel tests have simulated air flow field over various complex terrain at small scale and meso scale, but modeling diffusion over a city, especially metropolis, was rare. Generally speaking, the horizontal scales were 1∶3 000-1∶10 000 when modeling atmospheric dispersion over a city, and the vertical scales usually were exaggerated twice to ten times if the horizontal scales were smaller than 1∶5 000. Because of unsound theoretical basis for wind-tunnel simulations on distorted scale models, there are some controversies for the application of the results. Wind-tunnel simulations at small scale and meso scale are related to summarization and conversion of air flow field. Therefore further research for height distortion on scale models and designing boundary layer is needed.

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SUN Wu1 , LI Qing-xiang2 , HUANG Qi-ming2 , CHEN Dong-mei1 , WANG Lei1 , REN Yan-ni1 . Review of Wind-tunnel Simulations at Small Scale and Meso Scale[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(6) : 1654 -1660 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00239


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