

  • CN 62-1070/P
  • ISSN 1000-694X
  • Bimonthly 1981
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Paleoclimate and Environment Evolution

Pedogenensis Characteristics and Its Environmental Information Interpretation of Guixianhekou Profile in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley, China

  • College of Tourism and Environment, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian 710062, China

Received date: 2012-10-07

  Revised date: 2012-11-14

  Online published: 2012-11-14


The Guixianhekou profile in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley were surveyed in detail and then sampled systematically. The stratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics, pedogenic modification characteristics and the profile structure were observed in the field. Magnetic susceptibility, particle-size distribution, geochemical characteristics, Rb/Sr ratio and OSL age were analyzed in laboratory. Results are shown as follows: (1) The loess profile at Guixianhekou recorded the East Asian monsoon change with the stratigraphic series MS-L0-S0-Lt-L1-AD, and indicated that the first level terraces of Hanjiang River was formed in 18 000 a BP. (2) The aeolian sediments went through different degrees of pedogenic modification in different periods, with the sequence paleosol S0>Holocene loess layer L0>Transitional loess layer Lt>Malan loess layer L1. (3) The climate was dry and cold between 18 000 to 11 500 a BP and dust deposition led to the formation of Malan loess layer L1,and a flood event, occurred between 12 500 to 12 400 a BP, suggested the climate was instable. It was a climate shifting phase from dry-cold to warm-humid between 11 500 to 8 500 a BP and the dust storms was significantly reduced to form a transitional loess layer Lt. It was the most warm and humid between 8 500 to 3 000 a BP and dust storm deposits were strongly modified to form paleosol S0. A flood event, occurred between 7 500 to 7 000 a BP, indicated the climate was not very stable. The East Asian level style changed and the climate reentered a period of relative drought since 3 000 a BP, leading to the formation of Holocene loess L0. But the two inserted slack water deposit layers (3 100-3 000 a BP and 1 000-900 a BP) suggested that the climate was not stable and changeful.

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MAO Pei-ni, PANG Jiang-li, HUANG Chun-chang, ZHA Xiao-chun, ZHOU Ya-li, HU Ya-wei, ZHENG Shu-wei . Pedogenensis Characteristics and Its Environmental Information Interpretation of Guixianhekou Profile in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(6) : 1678 -1683 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00233




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