By sand collecting instrument, wind profilers and soil compaction meter, wind-erosion factors and sediment discharge of various land use ways were observed in Bashang area of Hebei Province. The results show that the correlation coefficient of surface soil moisture content and sediment discharge is the maximum. So the surface soil moisture content is the most important influence factor on soil wind erosion amount. Regression fitting results between wind-erosion factors and sediment discharge show that they all conform to the cubic function equation. For surface aerodynamic roughness, soil water content and soil hardness, they are the maximum for rehabilitated land, followed by east-west naked oats stubble, field wheat stubble field and south-north naked oats stubble field, again followed by rapeseed stubble field and derelict land, while they are the minimum for ploughed field. Statistical results of sediment discharge of various land use ways show that it is the minimum for rehabilitated land, followed by east-west naked oats stubble field, south-north naked oats stubble field and wheat stubble field, again followed by rapeseed stubble field and derelict land, while it is the maximum for ploughed field. The amount of sediment discharge decreases with the height by the law of power functions. It is helpful to increase the area of rehabilitated land and stubble field appropriately and shorten the area of ploughed field and the farm with blocks of ridge at prevailing wind direction for the reduction of farmland soil wind-erosion.
Li Xuanshu
Chang Chunping
Wang Rende
. Influence of Land Use Ways on the Farmland Soil Wind Erosion in Bashang Area, Hebei, China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(1)
: 23
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00281
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