Based on the frequency of dust events in summer from 701 meteorological stations, two dust indices, which are Taklimakan Desert Index (TDI) and the Gobi Desert Index (GDI) were established to characterize the statistical feature of the summer dust occurrence. The two indices both exhibit a sudden decrease in the late 1980s and early 1990s. By analyzing the summer circulation field during the typical strong and weak summer dust index years of Southern Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia regions, we found that the Geopotential height of Mongolia-Inner Mongolia strongly elevated and developed into a ridge of high pressure, Southern Xinjiang and western Inner Mongolia were controlled by the ridge, altitude low value system reducing the influence of the two regions, the intensity of Siberia cold high pressure and the thermal low pressure in East Asian waken was the main mechanism in the Gobi desert region, which caused the less dust events in the Inner Mongolia and Southern Xinjiang.
Kang Lin
Ji Mingxia
Huang Jianping
. Impact of Eurasian Atmospheric Circulation on Dust Events in Summer over Northern China[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2014
, 34(1)
: 197
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00300
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