The land surface radiation balance directly influence the material and energy exchange between atmosphere and land surface. In this paper, the characteristics of the land surface radiation balance in Taklimakan Desert Atmosphere and Environment Observation and Experiment Station (38°58'N, 83°39'E) are analysed by using the data observed over the Taklimakan desert hinterland from August, 2006 to December, 2011.The annual variation, seasonal variation and diurnal variation of the land surface radiation and land surface albedo are analysed. The results show that the appear time were different in each land surface radiation balance components. The land surface radiation balance components are the least in January. The short-wave radiation, long-wave radiation and net radiation are the most in May, July and June, respectively. The land surface radiation balance is the maximum(least) in summer(winter). The maximum value of diurnal variation of global radiation is lower than in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it is a little different from in the Heihe River basin gobi. The reflective radiation in spring and summer, autumn and winter are little different. The maximum value of solar radiation and net radiation appear at 12:00, and the long-wave radiation often lag 1-3 hours. The diurnal fluctuation of atmosphere long-wave radiation is small in each season, it is about 1/5-1/4 of ground long-wave radiation and appears as asymmetric distribution. The minimum values of atmosphere long-wave radiation in each season occur 1 hour before sunrise. The diurnal variation of land surface radiation balance is irregular under cloudy, dust and sandstorm weather. The land surface radiation components are obviously influenced by cloud cover and dust. The maximum value of atmospheric long-wave radiation increases by 18% under sandstorm. The maximum values of total radiation, reflective radiation, long wave radiation and net radiation reduced by 54%, 55.8%, 57.8% and 21.9%, respectively. The annual mean value of land surface albedo is 0.27. The average value of land surface albedo is the maximum(least) in March (July). The land surface albedo is the maximum(least) in winter(summer), and it is the maximum (least) in the morning and evening under clear day(sandstorm day).
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